At 12:40 AM 11/19/2003 +0000, you wrote:
For urpmq --fuzzy   you need to supply a string parameter
For example urpmq --fuzzy samba

Doh! Whoops...makes sense now. :)

That error with
"medium "contrib" uses an invalid list file:
mirror is probably not up-to-date, trying to use alternate method"

is a temporary issue because the list file on the mirrors is currently out of
date. It does not affect the operation of urpmi. It is just an annoyance.

Anyway to fix this manually? Or can I just resync my sources to get the updated tree?

To remove your CD media type
You will be given a list of all the urpmi sources, then
urpmi.removemedia media_name
will remove a specific media.

Worked like a charm. On a side note, anyone know if is going to be updated soon?





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