From: "Praedor Atrebates" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Your sound system is virtually identical to mine.  I have also installed
>and maxed out all the sliders.
>All I can say is that when I use 2.4.21 kernels, sound works flawlessly.
If I
>use anything in the 2.4.22 list, no sound.  Sound works in windoze.  Sound
>works for SuSE 9.0, mandrake 9.1, and 9.0.  Nothing changes when installing
>9.2 at all except that sound magically quits working.

are you using the latest bios?

would you mind sending me the output of the following:

# lspcidrake -v
# cat /var/log/dmesg
# dmidecode

(to get the dmidecode program, youhave to install lm_sensors package, but
 you may remove it after if you want...)

I'll take a look if we need a workaround for the msi board and the apic/acpi
stuff..., and if so I'll add it to my next kernel build that will be out by
the end
of this week...



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