Mark Rotteveel <> wrote Wed, 03 Jun 2020 21:37:12 +0300:

On 01-06-2020 17:52, Mark Rotteveel wrote:
I have migrated the Firebird 2.5 Language Reference, and it is available for preview on: HTML: PDF:

I have found an issue (which already existed in the TOC page of the old PDF) which I think is annoying for usability. In the 'Built-in functions and Variables' chapter, the actual functions don't appear in the TOC, because they are on the fourth level. This makes them harder to find.

There are several ways to address this:

1. Increase the TOC depth to 4. Overall, I thinks this inflates the TOC too much.

2. Add a section TOC to the sections of 'Scalar Functions'. Defining these TOCs would be manual work, but the advantage is that the list is 'inline' in the main body of text.

I prefer this option

3. Remove the section 'Scalar Functions', so the sections inside it go a level up. This would be the simplest, but reduces the organization of the chapter.

Firebird 4.0 has a lot more function subgroups. There at least security functions are added (encryption, etc.)

4. Split chapter 'Built-in functions and Variables' into three chapters, 'Context Variables', 'Scalar Functions' and 'Aggregate Functions'. This will fix the immediate problem, but feels a bit strange to do, and reduces the cohesion (especially between Scalar Functions and Aggregate Functions).

Don’t forget that there are still window functions in Firebird 3.0.

I'm a bit split between option 2 and 3, but what do you think?


Simonov Denis

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