Mark Rotteveel wrote:

>> I also don't like the thematic subdivisioning of the current Scalar 
>> Functions chapter. It has certain advantages, but they are small
>> in my opinion.

> I generally like the subdivision by target datatype: it allows me to 
> drill down quickly to what I need, while also supporting looking for a 
> function for say - string manipulation - without knowing its name (or 
> even its existence) and not getting distracted by functions for other 
> datatypes. Especially with the growth of functions in Firebird 3 and 
> Firebird 4, such a sub-division seems a good thing to retain to me.

I must admit that the growth of functions is a good argument for
keeping the thematic subdivision.

> The current list of functions in each section should already be ordered 
> alphabetically, but I'll double check.

Yes, it looks like they are.


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