Steven Hess said, *"Is it just me or does anyone else think that the
location and hoops you have to jump through to get to this file is a bit too
much? Having to set your system to show hidden files to get there just is
off putting and the actual directory is buried pretty deep. It should not be
this hard to access that file to make a copy of it. Yes I know there is WAVE
widget in in PowerSDR but it doesn't copy the file so it can be emailed off
and that is what I want to do."*

I agree.  It takes a lot of unnecessary effort to get to this file for
anything other than a quick playback over the air.  If something couldn't be
included in PowerSDR, I would like to see an outboard utility to manage the
sound file so that they could be saved, cataloged by some sort of sequence
number or user-defined name, and made readily accessible for e-mailing or
other uses.  Of course sending the file over e-mail provides a much better
diagnostic than playing it over the air in many cases.  Also, it would be
nice to be able to memorialize your QSO with that rare DX.  I can think of
several other uses.

I haven't programed since the days of  "1 LET X=X+1; PRINT X; GOTO 1".
After I left for lunch can came back to find a whole box of greenbar all
over the floor, the instructor decided I would make a better MBA than a EE.
Otherwise, I would write a program to do this myself.  :)

I play around with skins so I am no stranger to the appdata directory, but
even if it weren't hidden, it's buried under several layers of directories
which makes if very inconvenient to get to.

Steve Miller
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