Hello Albert,

Depending on where your definition of "experimental" reaches to: 

- I don't have much detailed memory of Boris Lehman's Histoire de ma vie 
racontée par mes photographies (apart from having really enjoyed it), but the 
trailer confirms that not all the photographs in question survived the 

- There are a lot of photographs in Jean-Daniel Pollet's last films, too: not 
only Ceux d'en face, but also the posthumous Jour après jour which I haven't 
seen, but which as described here: 
 sounds as if it might fit your criteria for a film made entirely (?) out of 
still images.

- Jean-Gabriel Périot has several films in addition to Dies Irae made entirely 
from stills: 200 000 ghosts, The Barbarians...

Hope this helps,

On Tue, Jun 9, 2020, at 12:06 PM, Albert Alcoz wrote:
> Hello all,
> I was making a list of experimental film practices on photography and I was 
> wondering if you could suggest more titles.
> At first I wanted to focus just on movies where photographs are deleted 
> (burned, destroyed) or denied but I only know *(nostalgia)* for Hollis 
> Frampton and the project *Found Monochromes* by David Batchelor (slides). 
> Does anyone know other films where the main purpose is the destruction or the 
> invisibility of photographs?
> On the other hand I have started a list of films made from photographs. There 
> are dozens of films (some of them animations) where the object of analysis 
> are still images, from filmed Polaroids to appropriation of advertising 
> images from magazines or the accumulation of digital images found on the 
> internet:
> *Transformation by Holding Time* by Paul de Nooijer
> *Pasadena Freeway Stills* and *Hand Held Day* by Gary Beydler
> *Production Stills* by Morgan Fisher
> *Frank Film* by Frank Mouris
> *Boy Meets Girl* by Eugènia Balcells
> *Wall *by Takashi Ito
> *Photodiary *by Takashi Ito
> *Clandestine Porn Film* by Augustin Gimel
> *DIES IRAE* by Jean Gabriel Périot
> *The World as Will and Representation* de Roy Arden
> Do others come to mind?
> Thank you,
> Albert Alcoz
> --
> http://albertalcoz.com/
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