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Pav Lucistnik wrote:
> Greg Larkin píše v so 16. 01. 2010 v 13:58 -0500:
>> That's exactly what I proposed.  The bsd.port.mk could be patched to
>> support a new variable ("EARLY_CONFLICT_CHECK=yes" or somesuch) that
>> shifts the check-conflict target from its old position (part of the
>> install sequence) to its new position (fetch?).
>> The default behavior (no mods to /etc/make.conf) would revert to the old
>> conflict checking method.  This may be something for portmgr@ to chime
>> in on, and I'm cc'ing them now.  There could be other reasons for this
>> change that I'm unaware of.
> What is the particular scenario that the new conflicts handling broke
> for you? Often you really want to ignore locally installed packages and
> then it's better to override LOCALBASE to /nonex or something similar,
> instead of disabling conflict handling...

Hi Pav,

I'm not the one who posted the original message to the list, but I'm
participating in the conversation with some of the folks who expressed a
preference for checking conflicts later in the build process.

Here is the original post:

I thought portmgr might have some insight into additional reasons for
making the change, such as fixing a problem with pointyhat builds, etc.
 At the moment, I'm neutral on the change, since it hasn't caused me any
grief, but I did some research for the folks who posted the original

What do you think of adding an entry to UPDATING to note a change like
this in the build process?  For instance, I wasn't aware of the
LOCALBASE=/nonexistent idea that you mentioned, so the entry could
include that and some other tips.

Thank you,
- --
Greg Larkin

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