On Sun, 7 Nov 2010 22:11:50 -0700 (MST)
Warren Block <wbl...@wonkity.com> articulated:

> On Sun, 7 Nov 2010, Jerry wrote:
> > When using 'portupgrade', I commonly use the '-r' flag in
> > conjunction with the previously discussed '-a' flag. While not as
> > through as the "-u -p" flags with 'portmanger', it does accomplish
> > its goal.
> Isn't portupgrade -a equivalent to -arR?  I hope so, or I have a 
> correction to make...

From the man:

--all                Do with all the installed packages.  Equivalent to
                     specify '*' as pkgname_glob.

--recursive          Act on all those packages depending on the given
                     packages as well.

--upward-recursive   Act on all those packages required by the given
                     packages as well. (When specified with -F,
                     fetch recursively, including the brand new,
                     uninstalled ports that an upgraded port requires)

I don't see anything that specifically states the the "-R  or -r" flags are
in included with the "-a" flag; although I might be misinterpreting it.
If it was implied i think it should have been better documented.

Perhaps the only way to positively ascertain the correct answer would
be to actually study the apps code, something I have neither the time
nor inclination to do.

Jerry ✌

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