This seems bizarre. Logically, it would seem better to do a split like vim (bare vim - what you would expect) and xvim (vim with X11) similar to how emacs does emacs/xemacs.

On 1/10/2011 4:06 AM, Giorgos Keramidas wrote:
On Sun, 9 Jan 2011 22:19:02 +0100, Tony Maserati<>  wrote:

I'm just curious - what's the point of including X11 as a dependency
to vim?  And then making a vim-lite port (which you usually discover
after installing X11). How about making it vim and vim-x11 instead?
Maybe because gvim is really *much* nicer than plain console-based vim

The vim-lite port exists for those cases when you really want to install
just plain good ol' vim without all the bells and whistles.  You can also
install editors/vim with WITHOUT_X11='true' to avoid the pulling of all
this X11 stuff.

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