On 09/01/2011 22:19, Tony Maserati wrote:

I'm just curious - what's the point of including X11 as a dependency to vim?
And then making a vim-lite port (which you usually discover after installing
X11). How about making it vim and vim-x11 instead?

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You must wait that the vim maintainer want to switch to the OPTIONS framework. Actually he does not want to do it. He prefers to be alone to use the old KNOB system just to do `not like all other people`.

So because you can't make a convenient `make config` you need to read the makefile or installing ports-mgmt/lsknobs, run lsknobs in the current port path and then set every knob you want in /etc/make.conf

But be careful ! Because make.conf is used by every port you should use ports-mgmt/portconf to write only vim knob in /usr/local/etc/ports.conf like :

editors/vim: WITHOUT_X11.

Isn't that convenient? :-)

David Demelier
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