Hi Polytropon, cc questions@

(No CC Wojciech P. as my local filters drop text from him )

> To translate this to a programmer's job:
> You're being paid to write a program for a customer. You
> deliver the program. That's what you are paid for. Still
> the source code is yours (as _you_ are the creator, no
> matter who you sold "a copy" to). So I would assume that
> you can still use the program for further projects that
> run independently from that customer.
> EXCEPT - of course, there is a contract specifying otherwise.

There's often legal (copyright, patents, etc) discussions on FreeBSD lists,
maybe we should have a le...@freebsd.org list on

There's 193 countries in the United Nations 
Some have different laws even within one country:
In UK, England & Scotland have different contract law:

Decades back USA employees by default retained more patent &/or
maybe copyright rights than UK employees. In UK by default it went
to employer.  But if a USA employer put a clause in to over- ride
the default ? ... IANAL = I Am Not A Lawyer etc.

German employee law I don't know.  I've always been freelance. 

Tip: Often mentioning the idea at the beginnning of contracts,
technical project directors are happy to ask their legal dept.  to
add a simple clause they draft themselves along the lines of eg:
        Customer has exclusive rights to code written just
        for project.  Programmer can keep & publish general code
        written or enhanced for general tools not exclusively 
        for project. Customer can keep & use a copy of tools.
Best to suggest such ideas at the beginning not end of projects.

Julian Stacey, BSD Unix Linux C Sys Eng Consultants Munich http://berklix.com
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