isn't it that once you release your own work as GPL you don't really own
this and even you cannot use it in closed source software?

Releasing something as GPL does not mean you give up
copyright. If I understood this whole thing correctly,
I'm not a lawyer but i repeat what i've read time ago, and .. that is a logical result.

The act of releasing is, as far as I know, tied to a
specific version of the "source tree" - the point from
which others can see, download, use and modify the
source counts. If I understand the GPL correctly, from
that point (i. e. when contributions have taken place)
you cannot turn the "result" into closed source.

However, with your own work, you can.
thanks for explanation.

from what i know (still, possibly incorrent) if i am hired as a programmer and write a program, this program belong to the company and i couldn't use it everywhere at least officially.

I wasn't ever hired as a programmer (or fortunately, as anyone else) so it wasn't ever a problem for me. but that was my reasoning.

So - if authors of any project, no matter how numerous, will all without exception agree that they want to get rid of GPL, then - they always can turn it to BSD licenced ? am i right?
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