On28/08/2013 00:19, Patrick wrote:
On Tue, Aug 27, 2013 at 3:42 PM, Alejandro Imass <aim...@yabarana.com> wrote:
On Tue, Aug 27, 2013 at 6:28 PM, Patrick <gibblert...@gmail.com> wrote:
That's not the behaviour I see. My jail has a private and public IP.

Hi Patrick, thanks for your reply.

The issue is actually more basic and it's because the same network
card has multiple IPs on the same subnet so the routing table always
chooses the primary IP assigned to that interface.

I'm trying to figure out if I can fix it in the routing table or will
need IPFW to re-write the source address.


Alejandro Imass
Hi Alejandro,

That's how I've got things setup, too, but I'm not seeing the same
behaviour. So I was wondering if there was something different about
your setup such as using NAT to allow a jail with a private IP to
access the internet at large.


(Tidied up so all now bottom posted)

I can confirm that you shouldn't be seeing this behaviour because I don't. I don't use EzJail - i prefer "vi". Seriously, setting up a jail is very straightforward anyway, and when I tried ezjail I found it was doing stuff I didn't like, so dropped it early on. It was a long time ago and I've forgotten the specifics.

I guess if you're using it your new to this particular game, so please excuse me pointing out a few basics here.

Although I can't exactly see how this would cause a problem, remember that many service will bind to ALL IP addresses when they start up, and if they pinch a port any subsequent jail trying to take the same one will fail. For SSH, edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config on the "host OS" and set the ListenAddress to the one you want to use instead of the default, which means all of them.

I can't see a mechanism that would get the results you're seeing, but I don't know what ezjail might be doing. I suspect your problem is with ezjail or something bizzare on your network config; can you try it manually?

Regards, Frank.

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