On Mon, Oct 14, 2013 at 11:34 AM, David Demelier

> Why? SU+J is enabled by default. Isn't the purpose of a journaled file
> system to ensure that any bad shutdown will protect data?

As already stated, those measures are to preserve fs integrity eg meta data
is in sync.  It doesn't ensure that all the outstanding writes are
committed to disk in the event of a power outage.

On GNU/Linux, on Windows you will not require anything else to recover
> your data.

This is complete garbage when using default settings as you imply below.
The default for ext3 on basically every distro still using ext3 is an
ordered journal and don't even get started on ext4.  NTFS by default
can/will also lose data on a power outage.

> I don't want to tweak the filesystem or use something different that the
> default, as it is the default it's the *warranty* that it is the correct
> way to protect data for new FreeBSD user's installations IMHO.

There is no *warranty* as explicitly stated in

The behavior you wish would slow down disk writes by an order of magnitude
and is already available to users willing to use non-default settings.

Adam Vande More
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