
On Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 5:26 PM, C. Masloch <c...@bttr-software.de> wrote:
> In x86 Windows NT, 16-bit subsystems known as NTVDM and WOW are enabled by
> default, but they seem to be separated more clearly from the main (32-bit)
> system.

NT was supposedly designed to be portable (and 32-bit, i.e. no "real"
DOS) from the ground up, headed by Dave Cutler, former VMS dude. It
ran on various architectures initially, but that later wound down to
only x86 and Itanium and later x86-64, probably due to economic and
marketing reasons.

NTVDM was one of many subsystems (OS/2, POSIX, etc) that were supposed
to be supported, but obviously it bitrotted quite badly over the years
and had many bugs unfixed and even regressions.

Honestly, MS actually claims VirtualPC (and the associated "WinXP
Mode") for 64-bit is too wimpy for home users, i.e. no decent graphics
support, hence it's only available to business licenses and such.
(Plus it doubles your hardware requirements.) Or maybe they expect us
to migrate to Hyper-V in Win8 (64-bit), who knows.

Clearly they have little interest in DOS or Win16 or OS/2
compatibility. They don't want to make the same "mistake" (eh?) that
OS/2 did, being too compatible (with DOS and Win16) for its own
survival. (Yes, eCS still exists but in limited form, and it's not
chiefly supported by IBM since a long time.) They do nowadays support
C++ and HTML5 and Javascript as first-class citizens, but it's clear
that others are more preferred (C# and pals).

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