I’d love a place to learn more about Freedos and a place with articles for a 
beginner/entry. My dad who passed away used a program named IMAGE to make 
programs for CNC machining on Freedos. I myself have 0 knowledge when it comes 
to Freedos, I just know how to find the programs but I have no idea how to 
print them or transfer them. Would love an article/tutorial on basic commands 
and how to navigate. 

Thank you,

Eze Bommer 

> On Jan 29, 2023, at 1:02 PM, Mart Zirnask <martzirn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> If I manage to build the command line mode of Rob Pike's sam editor
> [1] for DOS, I could probably do a writeup on how to use it. Because
> of the so-called structural regular expressions [2, 3], it is a really
> interesting editor. Excellent for processing arbitrary strings that
> spawn across multiple lines, since sam doesn't expect the input to be
> full, terminated lines.
> I'm definitely more of an end user, but I like the simplicity of both
> DOS and traditional Unix tools. Not a native English speaker, but as a
> trained and experienced (albeit currently "former") journalist, I
> suppose I could try, especially when somebody would find the time to
> proofread my work. Provided I first manage to compile sam, somehow,
> some way, ha.
> Another article worth considering is an overview of SvarDOS, or is it
> not ready for this yet? A comparison of SvarDOS versus FreeDOS -- or
> am I currently in the wrong church with this? :)
> An article about "Ultra minimal minimal minimal FreeDOS" (which is how
> I sense SvarDOS) might be interesting to many curious (newbie-)
> readers, I suppose. How to stripe FreeDOS only to the most essential
> components.
> I have really enjoyed Jim's articles on Opensource.com in the past,
> and the Youtube videos are really-really good! Thanks Jim!
> Best,
> Mart,
> from Estonia
> 1: http://http://sam.cat-v.org/
> 2: http://doc.cat-v.org/bell_labs/sam_lang_tutorial/sam_tut.pdf
> 3: http://doc.cat-v.org/bell_labs/structural_regexps/se.pdf
>> On 29/01/2023, Jim Hall <jh...@freedos.org> wrote:
>>> On Sun, Jan 29, 2023 at 1:38 PM Linvel Risner <linvelris...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> I’m by no means a FreeDOS expert, I’m just a user, but if anyone
>>> would like help writing an article I’m here to help. I know our
>>> community is very diverse linguistically and as a result I’m
>>> more than happy to lend a hand to an English as a second language
>>> speaker/writer. I would take no credit, you’d have 100% ownership of
>>> the article, I’d just like to help in some way. Reach out if y’all
>>> need anything :)
>> The editors are very cool with multiple authors on
>> articles. So it's fine to buddy up with someone to write
>> an article. They will list both of you as the author.
>> And they don't pay for articles (it's a volunteer writing
>> site) so it's not like you have to split proceeds.
>> Opensource publishes articles under a Creative Commons
>> license. You still "own" the article, Opensource.com
>> doesn't claim it. You can even run the article somewhere
>> else if you want.
>> Jim
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