
On Mon, Feb 6, 2023 at 4:35 PM Ralf Quint <freedos...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 2/6/2023 2:03 PM, Rugxulo wrote:
> > Do you not understand that I see a lot of similarities between the two
> > OSes? Certainly they share enough for various ports of useful tools to
> > be made. It doesn't mean they have much in common, but I still see a
> > lot to learn from classic UNIX and the philosophy of some of the
> > authors and tools (as evidenced by my quotes from them). DOS is
> > "simple" (keep it simple!) but still useful (with the right tools and
> > the right ideas).
> No, there aren't really "a lot of similarities" between DOS and
> Unix/Linux.

DOS v1 was more like CP/M, but DOS v2 added file handles and
redirection. C compilers for DOS were abundant. C came from UNIX.

> Some *ix utilities MIGHT be useful for the use on DOS,

MKS Toolkit? GNUish? EMX? DJGPP? Heck, even Simtel and Garbo had a few.

> but that doesn't mean by any stretch that things like "The Art of Unix
> Programming" do make any sense on DOS. The main goal should still be to
> program for DOS, not for Unix...

The book is mostly historical and philosophical about the "UNIX
mindset", not so much about doing UNIX-specific coding. So their
overall philosophy (esp. "open source") still applies greatly to
FreeDOS (or others).

* http://www.catb.org/~esr/writings/taoup/html/pr01s01.html

[partial intended audience, but others welcome too]

"You should read this book if you are a non-Unix programmer who has
figured out that the Unix tradition might have something to teach you.
We believe you're right, and that the Unix philosophy can be exported
to other operating systems. So we will pay more attention to non-Unix
environments (especially Microsoft operating systems) than is usual in
a Unix book; and when tools and case studies are portable, we say so."

"The Lessons of Unix Can Be Applied Elsewhere"

* http://www.catb.org/~esr/writings/taoup/html/ch01s05.html#id2873180

> > Jim's topic list mentioned Awk, Bash, C, Curl, Emacs, GDB, Grep,
> > Python, Sed, SSH, Vim, wget. (We have versions of all of those.)
> >
> In case you missed it, this was the whole list of possible topics from
> the Open Source magazine, not a list of suggested topics in regards to
> FreeDOS, as that was what Jim was asking in the subject of this thread.

I have used most of these on FreeDOS host for FreeDOS target. That is
the advantage of "portable" or "standard". I'm not tied to "UNIX"

> And yes, an article, possibly a series of articles, about programming on
> DOS, for DOS, will be forthcoming...

Would you prefer an article on Pascal? I know you (also) are a fan of
it. An article from your experience there might be useful.

I built and tested P5 Pascal (ISO 7185) with GPC (and GNU Make) for
DOS, Windows, and Linux.
I built and tested P4 Pascal subset (via p2c) with GCC and OpenWatcom
for DOS, OS/2, Windows, and Linux.
p5c works with modern GCC (e.g. DJGPP) or Clang.
DJGPP still includes old GPC (ISO 7185, ISO 10206, BP 7).
FPC still supports Go32v2 host / target and i8086-msdos target (with
{$mode tp} or {$mode iso}, et al).

(For UNIX Pascals besides FPC, Berkeley, ACK, and GPC are all on Github.)

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