*I'm going to ignore all the off topic stuff in this conversation and bring
it back to the original focus:*

>> And yes, an article, possibly a series of articles, about programming on
> >> DOS, for DOS, will be forthcoming...
> > Would you prefer an article on Pascal? I know you (also) are a fan of
> > it. An article from your experience there might be useful.
> No, kind of programming language agnostic, with examples in BASIC, Turbo
> Pascal, C and assembler. As mentioned, it will be about programming in
> DOS for DOS.
> >
> >

Yes, I think articles about DOS programming in any language would be very
interesting. As long as the language variant is open source (for example:
NASM is an open source assembler, Microsoft MASM is not) the editors and
readers at OpenSource have shown great interest all kinds of programming
articles. They've run programming articles about Algol68 and other lesser
known languages.

So yes, write an article about programming for FreeDOS with FreePascal. Or
programming for FreeDOS with NASM. Or programming for FreeDOS with ___.

If you'd like a simple program to start with, they often use the "guess the
number game" as a simple programming example. Pick a random number between
1-100, and loop ("too high" and "too low") until the user guesses correctly.

Comparisons between DOS programming and Unix/Linux programming would also
be good. Like how would you port a Linux ncurses program to DOS conio? Or
how would your approach differ if you were to write a program on DOS vs for
Linux? As an example, I loved Jerome's article about large number
arithmetic on DOS.

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