On Jan 10, 2010, at 8:48 AM, John Ruschmeyer wrote:

> On 1/10/10 3:18 AM, "Angelo Danio" <angelo.da...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Nestamicky wrote:
>>> Suddenly both of my brick PSU for my Pismo started shedding off the
>>> outer black wire, revealing the inner wire. The inner
>>> wire...presumably the negative...then cut off into two halfs; one side
>>> off to the brick, and the other to the tip that goes into the PB. But
>>> the wire is still held onto the brick by another wire that seems
>>> solid. Anyone opened these before and willing to share ideas on how I
>>> could open the brick, get some leverage...as this happened, on both,
>>> very close to the brick itself...and reconnect the cable? The brick
>>> itself works, just the cable that cut, without anyone taking a knife
>>> to it.
>> I suggest to change it ... brick adapter was recalled by Apple because
>> getting fire! yoyo is nice and relatively cheap on ebay
>> Angelo
> Actually, based on the comments I've seen on this list... Most people seem
> to think the brick is actually superior to the YoYo.
> As I understand it, the Wallstreet bricks (the small ones) run hot, but
> aren't a problem if reasonable care is taken. OTOH, the YoYo adapters have a
> habit of failing from stress at the point where the cord enters the hub. (I
> personally have one which has failed such that it will power but not
> recharge the battery of a Pismo.)
> The adapter interface was pretty much standard all the way back to the Duo
> 210 (except for the 1x0 series, 500-series and 190/5300 PowerBooks). As long
> as you stay to a minimum wattage (45?) any of them should work with a Pismo.
> John
I have two Wally's both have  the original Apple 45 watt brick the one with the 
cable exiting at a 45 deg angle, that may be a reason for failure due to having 
to pay attention to the attitude of the devise when in use. I always pay close 
attention to all my legacy equipment because it's getting a little harder to 
find items that were not abused.
I also have an after market unit made by a company called "HI CAPACITY power 
products"  part # AC-35 60 watt for my 190s. They are a good quality product so 
if I needed one for my Pismo I would check them out for availability. However 
there is no reason you can't repair the brick as long as it's not fried.:-)

John Carmonne
Yorba Linda USA

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