With the agreement of MoYo, I specified the evolution I propose inside the wiki of the forge : https://forge.indepnet.net/projects/glpi/wiki/NetworkPortReview Be free to review it and send me comments and propositions to enhance this evolution of the network port.

I'm working on the enhancement of the patch I have sent yesterday. So, it is not the final version.

    Damien Touraine
On 07/12/11 14:34, Damien Touraine wrote:

First, I would like to congratulate you for this software. It is very powefull and efficient. Moreover, its object oriented implementation is very well and allow many evolutions.

I studied this not as a computer information collector (through the use of OCS inventory, for instance). Actually, I would like to use it as real computing equipement manager (DNS and DHCP files generator). However, I pointed that inside GLPI, the "networkport" class include both physical/media layer (MAC address) and Host Layer (IP address). However, in our lab, there is several computers that have several network addresses on the same NIC (sometimes with VLAN). Moreover, some computers have DNS aliases. In other word, I suggest to introduce the "networknode" classes that make abstraction of the material. For instance, the "networkNode" manage the IP addresses of the card, while the networkport manage the MAC address and its connections with the other equippements.
Moreover, I propose the creation of two other classes.
The first one manage the internet domains (ie : example.com). Actually, there is already a domain class. But OCS inventory fills this one by the Windows Domain. The second class concern the definition of the networks and the subnetworks (subnet + netmask + gateway). As such, when we add a computer, we can, automatically affect it an IP included in a specific network class (I created the three private classes, and

A attachement, i propose a patch that implement all theses elements. I applied it on "glpi-unstable-083-2011-07-12" tarball downloaded from the main site. This patch also include an update to integrate the mass import from OCS. I plan to work on this patch to improve it for our requirements (manage the history, unicity of network names, ...). Moreover, I plan to work on a specific plugin which purpose is to generate DNS, DHCP and yellow pages configuration files. Be free to propose other features in this aim. I will try to integrate it.

If you are satisfy with my proposition, maybe I can work straightly on a SVN development branch of the project ?

Kind Regards
    Damien Touraine

Damien TOURAINE - Ingénieur de Recherche CNRS, LIMSI-CNRS
Groupe de RV&A "VENISE", (http://www.limsi.fr/venise/)
Bat. 508, Universite Paris-Sud 91403 Orsay cedex - +33 1 69 85 81 64

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