On 07/13/11 17:01, Walid nouh wrote:
On 13/07/2011 15:59, Damien Touraine wrote:
On 07/13/11 15:40, Walid nouh wrote:

I just applied the patch, and it's looks really interesting. Thanks a lot !

On the plugin side, it's going to affect several of them :
- fusioninventory : I let David reply, but this is more or less the same work as for OCS
The plugin also modify the ocsserver class to integrate the OCS mass import plugin withiout problem. But OCS seems to have some lacks (ie : a network card that have several IP is seen as several different cards ...). So I will try to modify the patch regarding fusioninventory
Maybe we could improve the FusionInventory agent to collect more data the future. As soon as all theses informations are available in GLPI, it makes more sense. I know that getting IPv6 informations is something that matters for the FusionInventory project for example.
As soon as I finish the "job" on GLPI, I plan to work on fusion inventory.
- addressing : interesting because the plugin integrates a dirty way or managing reserved IP addresses
The evolution of the plugin I'm working on integrates a more sophisticated automatic allocation of the address. The element that "knows" if the IP has to be updated is the Network itself now. Actually, there is three state for a network : "Automatic IP prohibited", "Automatic IP allowed" and "Automatic IP mandatory". We can include several other types of networks.
my question is to know if such features shouldn't be available for everyone in GLPI's core ?
As I don't know now how to develop a plugin, I started to develop it as core element of GLPI. But I though of splitting the automatic IP affectation as a plugin. So the core elements patch sould concern the management of the network nodes (ie : split of the hardware part vs the logic part of the network), the internet addresses and the network definitions. Then, I will also work on several plugins :
* one that automatically affect an IP to a node ;
* several differents that generate DNS, DHCP and Yellow pages.

What do you think about that ?
- datainjection : will be more complicated to inject for sure, but we can manage it
I'm to young on this project to know this part of GLPI. Or, maybe I know it as another name. Can you say me how to find it ?
it's the CSV file injection plugin. During the rewrite for GLPI 0.78, I've work on the networkport to networkport connection, so there's a lot to do in this area.
I will give a look on that as soon as possible.
- webservices
Same question than previous point
it's a web to query and update GLPI using SOAP, XML-RPC or REST. Here, it's more about changing the searchOption to fit the new objects. It should'nt be very long (at least to get information about a networkport).
Same answer than previous one :).
- for sure others that I don't use
For sure, me, too ! That is why I propose you this patch. I know it is perfectible. But, that the way I propose to work on.

you do it the right way :)
For me, "open source" also means "open mind"


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