Thank you so much, John!

I installed epiphany and indeed it didn't work properly with most pages, only simple static html was rendered, the rest resulting in error.

But best of all: I have set WEBKIT_DISABLE_COMPOSITING_MODE=1 as you suggested (in the .xsessionrc file) and now the reports from gnucash appear nice and fast!

Best regards,


El dijous 06/04/2023 a les 15:44:15 -0700, John Ralls <> ha escrit:

OK. I suspected as much but I'd never heard of Nvidia Xrun before and wanted to make sure. GnuCash uses a component from WebKitGtk to display reports so I have to guess that Debian has packaged that in a way that works only with openGL. To test that you can install the
Gnome Browser and see if it exhibits the same behavior.

You can try setting the environment variable WEBKIT_DISABLE_COMPOSITING_MODE=1 and see if that prevents it using OpenGL. I think it's supposed to. If it doesn't the only option is to build your own WebKitGtk with -DUSE_OPENGL_OR_ES=OFF added to the options. You can find the build rules for Debian Unstable at 
that it has Gtk4 enabled and Gtk4 also depends heavily on OpenGL so
you'll probably want to turn that off too.

Good Luck!

John Ralls

On Apr 6, 2023, at 12:20 PM, Almond G. <> wrote:

Sorry! Of course, I should have mentioned that: GNU/Linux Debian 11.

Thank you,


El dijous 06/04/2023 a les 09:41:10 -0700, john <> ha escrit:

What operating system?

John Ralls

On Apr 6, 2023, at 1:15 AM, Almond G. <> wrote:
I run gnucash in a laptop with an Optimus nvidia card along with an integrated Intel graphics card. The only way I found to get things working properly, ie. using the less battery-consuming Intel card most of the time, has been resorting to nvidia-xrun only when needed. To my surprise, gnucash reports only show up when I'm running with the nvidia card, the rest of the features work seamlessly. When running on the Intel card the reports appear just
as a white screen.
I couldn't find in the docs any way to configure reports so they don't need gl-drivers. Is that possible? Any clues welcome!
Thank you for your reading.
-- almond
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