Hello Carlos,

Am 18.01.24 um 12:13 schrieb Carlos R. Pasqualini via gnucash-devel:

I am starting to using GNUCash for personal use, It's Great

Immediately started to searching ways to implement it on my small
business, in Argentina, where we need to interact with  a government's
API to post some information and get a code that must be present on the
invoice to be a legal document.

From my understanding of your description you should enter the code as Company ID. See

I came across a recent mail on this list which I can not respond to:

I would be thankful if John or anyone else can explain a bit further
how that country-specific implementation will need to be done and how
to distribute it in a way that other people can use it. Is there any
plugin or extension interface we need to attach to? Or I can make the
invoice to me sent to another API in a way that the development can be
done there, outside of GC?


I will add a few thoughts on that thread.

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