Hi Oscar,

On 14.06.2019 10:12, Oscar Carlsson via Gnupg-users wrote:
I'm generally curious on your opinions on the latest new keyserver, this time running a new software than the normal keyservers.

It's definitely faster and more responsive. That was my personal pain point when interacting with SKS. For example I'm working on a small thing that fetches keys from keyservers. I push my modified key, fetch it from SKS and... nope, no changes are visible (because of nginx caching). Then a different, old set of data is visible. Then timeout. Etc. keys.openpgp.org just works. I push data and it's available.

They seem to have a different model which minimize the amount of information available, to be compliant with GDPR and friends. Do you think there are any downsides to this?

Storing endless amounts of data without any kind of verification was a bad idea. Maybe SKS was designed in good old times when no-one would try to take advantage of it but in 2019 validating e-mail address is bare minimum a service such as this should do.

The current shortcoming is stripping third-party signatures. So Web of Trust wouldn't work (for good reasons described in the FAQ [0]). For some people this may be surprising.

[0]: https://keys.openpgp.org/about/faq#third-party-signatures

For the record I don't think keys.openpgp.org is in any way revolutionary as it is now. It's a bare minimum keyserver that OpenPGP needed for a long time. Fortunately the team behind it has more ideas that could only improve the overall image and UX of OpenPGP in the wider community.

Kind regards,


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