On Wed, 24 Nov 2004, Earl Hood wrote:

> > On my lists I still find that requiring posts to come from subscribed
> > addresses keeps virtually all spam from being distributed. I've had
> > very few if any instances of spammers subscribing to a list to spam it.
> > Does mail-archive.com archive lists to which anyone can post?
> List administration is handled by the list owners not mail-archive.com.
> Therefore, if the list owner allows anyone to post to the list, then
> the messages will get archived (unless mail-archive.com spam filters
> believe such messages are spam).

I would think that mail-archive was enough of a useful service that it
could put requirements or at least strongly urge listowners to adopt
reasonable policies.  For example, surely you would not archive a list
that encourages spam would it. [I just realized I should look at your
site's policies - laterI guess.]

Enforcing such would be difficult but it would give you a tool to deal
with the worst cases and may influence some list owners just by being

It would be pretty easy to test lists for the subscriber only posting:

   This is a test messagebeing sent from a special address or to all
   lists archived at...

> > With my browser (Mozilla 1.4.1) the ads occasionally prevet the last few
> > characters of a message line from being displayed. Example, in:
> > http://www.mail-archive.com/mpls%40mnforum.org/msg32125.html
> > The end of the third line on my display reads
> What operating system?  Message looks fine to me, but I'm using a
> later version of Mozilla.

Linux, Fedora Core 1, using Gnome

On Wed, 24 Nov 2004, Jeff Breidenbach wrote:

> Fred, thanks for the feedback. Keep it coming if you have more.

Sorry if I came across as overly critical; mail-archive is a big
improvement for may lists. 

> Does the problem fix itself if you make the broswer wider?  Can I get
> a screenshot? Send it to my gmail account please <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I'll try to get to this after Thanksgiving - gotta run now.

> Sorry - the name "gossip" was the first thing I thought of in
> 1998. I've changed the footer as you suggested. 

Thanks.  Someday I'll learn procmail so I can manipulate such things to my


Fred H. Olson  Minneapolis,MN 55411  USA        (near north Mpls)
Communications for Justice - My new listserv org.       UU, Linux
My Link Page: http://fholson.cohousing.org       Ham radio:WB0YQM
fholson at cohousing.org   612-588-9532   (7am-10pm Central time)

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