The Mail Archive project has never ever...

a) produced a single PowerPoint slide
b) had two people sit down in the same room and hack code
c) sent an email from
d) all of the above

The answer of course is (d). But in a radical break from
tradition, in a couple hours Jeff Marshall and I are going to
be sit down IN THE SAME ROOM and spend a good chunk
of today hacking on code.

I know, you are saying "my god, what are they thinking?"
It's bold. It's crazy. It's an experiment. We don't even know
if we'll still be talking afterwords. More importantly, we haven't
decided what to work on, except that we want to do something
user visible.

So if you are really on the ball, this is your one chance for instant
gratification. Send a change request either to gossip or private
email, although it is MUCH more fun if it is to gossip. If we like it,
it'll be implemented and online by the end of the day.

Otherwise we'll just pick something.

Happy Day-After-Thanksgiving,


Discussion list for The Mail Archive

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