The winning new feature from yesterday's coding session was...

 --> Custom Logos

Why logos?

We're hoping that list admins will have extra warm fuzzy feelings
seeing their archive customized with a particular image. Heck, maybe
this will be the tipping point for some organizations running hundreds
of  public mailing lists.

Also, when we had a slightly harder language localization feature,
nobody used it. Literally nobody. Once that got moved to a simple
control on the info page, hundreds of archives took advantage of
the feature. Every single day, more localization requests come in.
I was really shocked - I had no idea that user interface was the
bottleneck for this feature. We hope logo customization will have
a similar story.

In other good news, Jeff & I are still talking to each other. Thanks to
jaf19 for his public suggestion, and others who sent in suggestions via
private email. There's a good chance we'll schedule another coding
jam session in the future. It almost (but not quite!) feels like performance


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