A way for users to update the "info" linked to the list name in the upper
left hand corner.

On 11/25/05, Jeff Breidenbach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The Mail Archive project has never ever...
> a) produced a single PowerPoint slide
> b) had two people sit down in the same room and hack code
> c) sent an email from @mail-archive.com
> d) all of the above
> The answer of course is (d). But in a radical break from
> tradition, in a couple hours Jeff Marshall and I are going to
> be sit down IN THE SAME ROOM and spend a good chunk
> of today hacking on code.
> I know, you are saying "my god, what are they thinking?"
> It's bold. It's crazy. It's an experiment. We don't even know
> if we'll still be talking afterwords. More importantly, we haven't
> decided what to work on, except that we want to do something
> user visible.
> So if you are really on the ball, this is your one chance for instant
> gratification. Send a change request either to gossip or private
> email, although it is MUCH more fun if it is to gossip. If we like it,
> it'll be implemented and online by the end of the day.
> Otherwise we'll just pick something.
> Happy Day-After-Thanksgiving,
> Jeff
> _______________________________________________
> Discussion list for The Mail Archive
> Gossip@jab.org
> http://jab.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/gossip
Discussion list for The Mail Archive

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