You feedback is extremely appreciated, it's the quickest road to
improvement. I can't stress this enough.

My brief tests with "sundial" have left me frustrated. For instance,
a search for "oglesby" used to return over 550 results, 500 of which
I could directly access.

I'll look into this. It should be returning every single match.

can only view 100,

This is on Jeff Marshall's plate.

and they are all from many years ago.

JM, can you look  into sorting results by newest-first?

I really *still* would like to be able to access all of the messages
in the sundial archive by date. I guess I've figured out how to
locate the most recent 10,000, but how to get to the earliest?

Do you find date search useful? For example:


Maybe many of your clients need all of the bells and whistles -- I
just need something easy to use.

I think almost everyone wants almost exactly what you do -
something simple and easy to use. We had switch because the
old system was choking on non-English languages. I've never
used (or seen) Eudora, but the idea is to be as simple to
use as the global search engines like Yahoo or Google.

That said, I did study computer science in college and I understand
that I may be particularly bad at writing documentation for people
with different backgrounds. This is why outside help is extra
appreciated. Anyway, give us some time to look into the things
mentioned above, and then I'd like to take another pass at the
documentation with your assistance. Once all that is in place, we
can get some additional critiques from other Sundial users. Ok?


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