Am 2023-03-11 um 14:48 schrieb Sandeep Kulkarni:
Hi Oleg,

Thanks for the explanation. From it I understand that earlier code did not
do anything and it was a mistake to include it.

NTLM authentication is not used anymore, so it can be safely removed.
However, I don't think removing httpclient5-win entirely makes sense. It is
used by many people like us who want to support Windows authentication. So
please do consider keeping it supported for longer.

Many people have started migrating from v4 or v4.5 of httpclient to v5
recently in the past 1-2 years. Enterprise softwares needs a longer support
timeframe. They will be facing issues going forward. We find httpclient to
be really good for our use case.

If you need it for your enterprise, support and maintain! Convince your employer to dedicate time to it.

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