On 18/04/2024 4:39 am, Rony G. Flatscher wrote:
As you know already Rexx it would be easy for you to learn about what ooRexx adds to Rexx.


Notabene: you write one ooRexx program that will be runnable without any changes on Windows, Linux and macOS. This means you develop it e.g. on Windows at home and execute it in a Linux s390x subsystem at work and vice versa. ;)
A dynamic and dynamically typed language as ooRexx allows to forgo many of the declarations a static and statically typed language mandates, thereby simplifying coding quite considerably.

I find Rexx difficult because explicit declarations and static typing (as well as tightly controlled scopes) actually make programming easier, in general. They show up bugs in the code and make it easier to write correct programs. The IDE is also an important factor.

I already write programs on my Windows laptop and run them on z/OS using Java :-)

Andrew Rowley
Black Hill Software

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