On Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 7:48 PM, Jason Remillard

> Hello Everybody,
>> Each municipality is a different import. Part of the process needs to be
>> to be validation, for example, which has already been brought up and not
>> answered.
> I have been trying to follow this thread, but I think I missed this part.
> Could somebody recap this, if this one really one huge import across all of
> Poland, or a bunch of little imports.

This is a bunch of little imports. This is not a single "all of Poland"
dataset, but rather a collection of little datasets by region.  The data is
similar, of course due to the nature of the data being addresses.

It seems like this is the primary issue to work through right now. If the
> process or source data comes from different places, then each one is its
> own import, with its own wiki, with its own discussion, 1+ week
> consultation, etc

The data is collected on a single site, but to my knowledge it's not a
single dataset. It's just listed on a single website.

- Serge
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