I have developed some simple programs in java form creating lucene indexes and 
then using them to search. I now have an interest in using perl to use the 
indexes for search purposes, but am having trouble doing even the simplest 
thing using Plucene and Plucene::Simple. If anyone here can help, I would 
appreciate it. After googling and attempting to use Plucene directly, it 
appeared that it would be better to use Plucene::Simple. Trouble is, it will 
not install, either on my windows XP box or my linux box. In both cases, the 
install fails (more or less) the same way. Here is the message from the linux 
  make: *** [test] Error 255
  /usr/bin/make test -- NOT OK
Running make install
  make test had returned bad status, won't install without force
Failed during this command:
  ADIE/Test-Class-0.11.tar.gz                  : make_test NO
  STRYTOAST/PluceneSimple-1.04.tar.gz          : make_test NO

  There are a bunch of test failures before that. I installed Plucene (1.24) 
just fine.
  The example code on the Plucene perldoc page could be a little more complete. 
All I want to do is use QueryParser against a lucene index I created using 
java, and get back a list of documents. I have done this in java but seem to be 
lacking the Rosetta stone to do it in perl. Any help would be greatly 

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