On Wed, Mar 17, 2021 at 11:17 AM <ed...@openmail.cc> wrote:

> Hello,
> I would like to know if someone can help me with some things regarding
> compilation, please.
> 1. Is there a way to specify the directory for the examples? (as in
> =/usr/share/libmesh/examples=)

Not currently. There's a --prefix, and everything goes in there.

> 2. Is there a way to specify the directory for the contrib directory (as
> in =/usr/share/libmesh/contrib=)? or is it safe to move
> =contrib/libtool= without affecting any of the configuration files, i.e.
> =Make.common=?

Same answer as above regarding the contrib directory. libtool is just a
shell script, so it should be safe to move it, other than the issue of
other scripts/Makefiles which are expecting it to be in a certain place.

> 3. All the Makefiles from the examples have
>         LIBMESH_DIR ?= /usr
>         ...
>         include $(LIBMESH_DIR)/Make.common
>     I would prefer to have =Make.common= in =/usr/share/libmesh/=, and I
> can move it there. In fact, I can run a recursive =sed= for all the
> Makefiles, but I would like to know if there is a way to set the
> location for =Make.common= so that the Makefiles know it.

I think it might be easier for you to specify a --prefix during configure,
then you can just install everything to some directory other than /usr. It
will be difficult (as you've seen) to move around individual pieces of the
installation like this, because they are all interdependent on one

> 4. Some time ago, there was a pull request with =netcdf.m4.patch= to
> enable netcdf with libMesh[1]. It did not work, because it still needs
> this =sed= command after the patch is applied:
>         sed -i "s-\(ac_subdirs_all='\)contrib/netcdf/v4-\1-g;
> s-\(subdirs=\"\$subdirs\) contrib/netcdf/v4-\1-g" configure
>     Can someone help me to modify the patch so that there is no need for
> such rule? (I am attaching the file)

Since your attachment did not come through, I'm not sure where you'd like
to add this line. My suggestion would be to pull the branch from the
original PR, make your proposed change, and then either push that to your
own libmesh fork so that we can try it out, or paste the diff (output of
git diff or git log -p for the commit) so that someone can recreate it.


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