Out of frustration, I got a new e-mail address (wish me luck)

--- 8< snip ---

Thank you for your kind answers, John. I will keep adapting the directory structure for the package through a PKGBUiLD.

Since your attachment did not come through, I'm not sure where you'd like
to add this line. My suggestion would be to pull the branch from the
original PR, make your proposed change, and then either push that to your own libmesh fork so that we can try it out, or paste the diff (output of
git diff or git log -p for the commit) so that someone can recreate it.

As ridiculous as it sounds, the sed line fixes a patch (I did not know how to achieve my goal with the netcdf.m4 file). The end goal is to have an autoconf that allows for a pre-installed netcdf. I am attaching the patch that I prepared (and needs further fixing).

The steps that I use to build are here: https://notabug.org/broncodev/libmesh-pkgbuild.git. This is not a libMesh fork, but a recipe used by pacman (package manager) to build libMesh. It also holds the netcdf.m4.patch. In the PKGBUILD file, you will find:

(from https://notabug.org/broncodev/libmesh-pkgbuild/src/master/PKGBUILD#L85)
    $ patch -d "${srcdir}"/libmesh/m4 -i "${srcdir}"/netcdf.m4.patch
    $ cd "${srcdir}/${realname}"
    $ autoconf
    $ [[ -f /usr/include/netcdf.h ]] && \
sed -i "s-\(ac_subdirs_all='\)contrib/netcdf/v4-\1-g; s-\(subdirs=\"\$subdirs\) contrib/netcdf/v4-\1-g" configure

I hope that these commands and the patch that I am sending (netcdf.m4.patch) suffice to show that the configure file is modified such that it finds a local netcdf.

Thanks again.

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