I just realized another issue I keep running into...  Since I don't have 
the full liftweb API in my head, yet, I am having trouble with some of 
the examples because of the use of "._" for imports (and this is why I 
never let my developers use static or wildcard imports in our own java code)
For example, I was looking at the pocket change app's Boot.scala:

      case RewriteRequest(ParsePath(List("account", acctName), _, _, _), 
_, _) =>
    RewriteResponse("viewAcct" :: Nil, Map("name" -> urlDecode(acctName)))

I was able to eventually find the docs for the RewriteRequest 
constructor and RewriteResponse constructor, but I have yet to find 
where urlDecode lives.  From its camelCase, I presume it is a function 
in an object, so that means it is a static import.  but which object?

In eclipse, I'm used to having imports resolved and organized 
automatically when I save a file.  Unfortunately, this same 
functionality doesn't appear to work in the eclipse scala plugin.  Dunno 
if it is available in other IDEs.  I know it is a PITA to do it by hand, 
but for the examples it might be worth it.


Derek Chen-Becker wrote:
> In terms of the API docs part of it would just be expanding on the 
> current scaladoc to provider better explanation. Obviously there are a 
> ton of classes to document, so I'd like to focus efforts on getting 
> the most bang for the buck. I was thinking of starting with 
> net.liftweb.http.{LiftRules,S,SHtml} and making the documentation on 
> them *outstanding*. We can branch out from there. If you're coming to 
> Lift new, it would also be helpful to find out what we're missing or 
> need to cover better in the "Getting Started" document on the web 
> site. If you want to read through that and provide feedback here on 
> the list that would be great.
> Derek

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