Richard, its a shame you feel like that. Your comments about examples are
noted, however you must bear in mind that both scala and lift are young
(relatively speaking) and a lot of the applications that are out there, are
behind corporate firewalls (including mine) - so don't be fooled into
thinking lift is not production ready or feeling that its not usable, were
just a little lacking right now in the documentation, but 100% *not* lacking
in the implementation (lift rocks out)

Stuff like ecommerce will grow up around lift as more people adopt it - the
same was true for rails... When I started using rails there were naff all
examples out there, so we just had to get on and make some - years later and
the story is very different. The same will no doubt happen for Lift... Its
just a waiting game - its people like your good self who can help with this:
invest a bit of time and write some examples for the benefit and learning of

Let me just say this, as its probably the best advice I can give: If you do
decide to go with lift, you will not regret it. The rest of the lift team
are some of the best developers and architects I have ever had the fortune
to work with - and they all give up large amounts of their time to
participate and help the community... To that end the lift community is one
of the most intelligent and welcoming out there. Over the past two years
this has pretty much been my experience and im sure others will concur.

Good luck with your project and I hope you might reconsider your viewpoint
on lift.

Cheers, Tim

On 03/05/2009 15:58, "" <> wrote:

> I'm looking at technologies for rewriting a web site with a lot of
> dynamic content, currently written entirely in Java 1.4 and JSPs.
> Scala and Lift look promising, but the lack of documentation and non
> trivial worked examples mean that despite Lift's "1.0" status, I don't
> feel I could use it in its current form.

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