Scratch that, it just does this all the time - irrelevant of the mime

Reproduce this by making a blank lift app and looking at the source.

Cheers, Tim

On Feb 24, 11:14 am, Timothy Perrett <> wrote:
> Guys,
> I see DPP made a bunch of commits last night. Something in there has
> fundamentally broken the markup parser. Yesterday I deploy an
> application to production and today I go to update a small bit of copy
> that marketing want changed and i'm finding that my application is
> broken....
> With LiftRules.useXhtmlMimeType = false in Boot, I see the following:
> <script type="text/javascript">
> // &lt;![CDATA[
> jQuery(document).ready(function()
> {liftAjax.lift_successRegisterGC();});
> var lift_page = &quot;F1075228527421HHA&quot;;
> // ]]&gt;
> </script>
> This is obviously problematic and all my javascript in my application
> is now doing this. Sorry to be grizzly about this, but its totally
> untenable for me to be building apps that work one day and are broken
> the next... I tried reverting to 2.0-M2, but that was giving me errors
> about not being able to boot SessionMaster. If we are changing stuff
> in the core of Lift, we need a good number of eyes (that is, people
> who are ACTIVE committers) on the changes in review board otherwise
> stuff like this happens (certainly, I don't remember getting review
> requests for any of these changes that are now causing me
> problems...)
> I have to get this fixed today otherwise im going to be seriously
> flamed.
> A very unhappy Tim.

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