Thanks for the follow up David. Probably this highlights some issues with our 
automated testing though... any ideas on how we could add something to the 
build cycle to verify stuff like this? The parsers particularly probably could 
do with some pretty rigours test cases as this is a classic example... on a 
related note, Heiko just found a strange character encoding bug with 2.8 and 
XML; having more test cases will help us keep consistency during the porting.

Cheers, Tim

On 24 Feb 2010, at 17:05, David Pollak wrote:

> Tim,
> Sorry.  I was chasing a use case where control characters can still make it 
> into the XML output.  Turns out that the Scala compiler converts 
> <b>{expression}</b> into an Atom, not into a Text() element.  Because of 
> this, it was possible for control characters to sneak into output.
> I went around our review board rules after testing the fix on a simple app 
> (one, it turns out that didn't include a script.)
> I will be more careful with stuff that could break all things in the future.
> Thanks,
> David
> PS -- Thanks Indrajit for reversing the commit.
> On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 3:14 AM, Timothy Perrett <> 
> wrote:
> Guys,
> I see DPP made a bunch of commits last night. Something in there has
> fundamentally broken the markup parser. Yesterday I deploy an
> application to production and today I go to update a small bit of copy
> that marketing want changed and i'm finding that my application is
> broken....
> With LiftRules.useXhtmlMimeType = false in Boot, I see the following:
> <script type="text/javascript">
> // &lt;![CDATA[
> jQuery(document).ready(function()
> {liftAjax.lift_successRegisterGC();});
> var lift_page = &quot;F1075228527421HHA&quot;;
> // ]]&gt;
> </script>
> This is obviously problematic and all my javascript in my application
> is now doing this. Sorry to be grizzly about this, but its totally
> untenable for me to be building apps that work one day and are broken
> the next... I tried reverting to 2.0-M2, but that was giving me errors
> about not being able to boot SessionMaster. If we are changing stuff
> in the core of Lift, we need a good number of eyes (that is, people
> who are ACTIVE committers) on the changes in review board otherwise
> stuff like this happens (certainly, I don't remember getting review
> requests for any of these changes that are now causing me
> problems...)
> I have to get this fixed today otherwise im going to be seriously
> flamed.
> A very unhappy Tim.
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