Dear LincolnTalk, 

I’m wondering whether the candidates challenging incumbents in the two 2022 
town elections, or anyone else for that matter, might be able to shed any light 
on why they’ve entered the race? From the candidate forum I did not get a 
strong sense of that. (Rightly so, in order to keep the discussion civil, the 
parameters around the evening would’ve made that conversation difficult. The 
moderators, Carol Casper and Rob Stringer, did a truly superb job of pulling 
that evening together and moderating it, and I’m so very grateful to all the 
candidates for putting their hat into the vital ring of public service. We are 
so lucky to have so many super talented, capable, caring and committed people 
in our community,  wow!) 

Our daughter will be entering the eighth grade this fall, so I am particularly 
interested in (and mystified by) the LSRH school committee race. From the 
candidates forum, on the face of it at least, stated objectives and values were 
reasonably similar across the incumbents and those challenging the incumbents 
although styles were clearly very different (for both contested races). This 
leaves me wondering what I am missing? If you’d like to, or are at least 
willing to, discuss this with me privately, please email me back and I’ll give 
you my personal contact information so that we can discuss it by phone or meet 
for coffee at the Twisted Tree or whatever is most comfortable and convenient 
for you. It might be good for all of us to learn the answer to this question 
directly from the candidates challenging incumbents though. 

Thank you very much, 
Michelle Barnes 
S. Great Rd.

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