On Fri, 3 Dec 1999, Schlomo Schapiro wrote:

> Linux people. I talked to some of them over the time and most people told
> me similar reasons for not taking part in ILUG:
> - too much uninteresting mail
> ..
> That says it all, doesn't it ?

but there's more. an interesting point Jon made today (and thanks for
all the people who came! 15 people at a 2 day notice was a good turnout
afterall...), was that the LUG is not in people's notion when they
think of tapping linux resources in Israel. Maddog wants 2-3 technical
Linux conferences to take place next year, and Israel is one place he
thinks would be the best site for such a confference. He asked David
Leichner of Magic to gather a list of people and start helping to form a
steering comitee, David asked him where to start and maddog said "The
LUG!". David: "DUH! how come I didn't think about it?"

well, my point here is double:

1. we need more LUG activity, whether internal (lectures) or external

2. the current "LUG" we have is a failure, it's not more than a mailing
list, and one that is driving people out. I sugest we keep this list
here as a pan-Israeli one, and open two more lists for Tel Aviv and
Jerusalem people, not just for events planning, but for most anything
else (well, maybe also to keep the load down on the poor readers :-)
If it's good for the Haifa group, it'll be good for TA and Jerusalem. my
poll now shows Friday afternooons in the lead, and I think Jerusalemites
can easely get something like that organized.

2.1 open some lists or Hebrew forums for Newbies. My dream mirror server
is not up yet, but when it will be, I'll install a Hebrew web forum for
this (start sending me sugestions for the software, I'm not gonna write
it from scratch.)

Jerusalem people: do what I did: go get a member of the faculty staff
interested, Prof. Barak may be a good starting point. Get his help in
getting a monthly (or biweekly) room somewhere, start a list, get
speakers or write your own lectures, publish the list and lectures on a
few billboards, and maybe even Pi Ha'aton... this could mean a little
headache at the beginning but the benefits in the log runs are great.

Ira Abramov ;  whois:IA58  ;  www.scso.com ;  all around Linux enthusiast
fortune: too many tries

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