On Mon, 19 Feb 2007, Ira Abramov wrote:

Quoting Peter, from the post of Mon, 19 Feb:
Prefer Yehoshua's solution to Peter's, as it does not discriminate
against blind.

funny, I find Captcha blindly discriminates against humans in general

It depends. It's just a Turing test. When artificial stupidity will be up to the level of the average user then we will need to worry. Not before. Meanwhile captcha with sound alternative is the most used Turing test on the net. It seems to work for sites with 10,000,000+ users.

There are captcha implementations that use audio for the blind. ANY
method that 'automatically' detects spam is a form of censorship and is
far less than perfect.

I think you need to read up a bit about what censorship is and isn't.

Using dictionary words in a message that is filtered by a glorified Bayesian filter (even one sustained by humans) tends to be difficult. Can you guess what happens after 2000 messages training with words like doc... and pil... ? Then if I want to be just a little bit politically incorrect and use colloquial remarks like ene.. bu.. and pe... or di.. , the filters will actually junk my message, and force me to be politically correct, yes ? So, you know, I don't care what bra(i)ns the local great firewall uses for logic, if it makes me change the way I express myself then it's censorship. You know, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and claims to be a swan. Come on. Besides on a subscribed mailing list filtering one's postings for spam is an insult. It implies that one is not trusted.

you would be surprised that Akismet and similar tools do smart filtering
of text based on keywords and numbers of links, but definitely not based
on ideas. they also allow you to "save" messages from the dumpsters if
they had a false positive.

It's hard enough to express myself without making up new words for doc... and pil.. and via... even without the filters.

Essentially you are allownig a third party to judge answers for you.

well, that judge is completely in your mercy, so it's hardly "third
party", now is it? you can overrule it, change its rules and so on.

Yes but it's 'them', not 'me'. They are everywhere. Watch your back.

What are you on about? next you'll be shouting you are opressed by the machines and how they are slowly taking over the world!

You noticed too ! At last ! So I am not really crazy ? Wow, thanks, buddy. I really needed that.

Stop reading SciFi for a month or two :-)

I am reading this mailing list, that's plenty enough ...


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