On Wed, 21 Feb 2007, Ira Abramov wrote:

Humm, I guess the filter IS really strong.
I'm resending, this time acting like a spammer and changing the spelling
a bit. :-)

Change it a bit more. I found it in the spam bin AGAIN.

Now, if you could please stop the silly misuse of the term "Turing test"
and give a bit more respect to the readers of this list, you may win
back SOME of it one day.

In a way when you said you failed the TURING TEST set up by CAPTCHA you actually confessed that you are part machine ... any borg parts inside ? (Windows CE powered pacemaker etc ? Small titanium bolts holding bones together - you know, borgification starts small)

Speaking of respect, it would be a miracle if anybody would show any. Either that, or a typo. In the land of bilk and honey people show respect when they have secondary motives.

the filters will actually junk my message, and force me to be
politically correct, yes ? So, you know, I don't care what bra(i)ns the
local great firewall uses for logic, if it makes me change the way I
express myself then it's censorship.

well, if you want to sell ...

No, I don't sell and don't want to sell. I want to have human feedback when I exceed something or other. Not borg feedback. And speaking of borg standards, I will NOT have any standards imposed by entities who consider photographs of one's own children and family stored in one's own computer (or emailing them between family) 'child pornography' and then allow 'suspects' to exercise their liberty of speech by allowing them to make use of their MIRANDA rights.

And make that three stopped emails (this is the third).

You know, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and claims to be a
swan. Come on. Besides on a subscribed mailing list filtering one's
postings for spam is an insult. It implies that one is not trusted.

it implies that SMTP is not trusted. and indeed it isn't. it SUCKS.

So then it's like a bank where you register and open an account, put in money but are never allowed to withdraw any of it because 'your credit card and cheques may be forged' ? Have you read Kafka ? Esp. 'The Trial' ? Catch 22 ? Solzhenytsin ?

You know, the safest way to live is to stop breathing and eating. That way no toxins can reach you. Of course life will be very short but it will be of the best quality, and with the least impact on the environment.

I didn't make SMTP, I use it like everyone else. If there is another way to send email I am interested.


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