2008/6/6 Shlomi Fish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> As I wrote on:
> http://community.livejournal.com/shlomif_tech/11379.html
> Ubuntu is dying as most of the bigwigs in its online community are infested
> with ego, ping-pong legitimate complaints to oblivion, and refuse to take
> responsibility for their own problems. The #ubunutu* channels suffer from
> fragmentation, over-specialisation, an obseesion with supposedly staying
> on-topic, and from ops who abuse their power. All of these are very
> unconventional on Freenode where they are hosted.
> This is despite the fact that I heard several horror stories about the fact
> that Ubuntu Hardy keeps hanging, and that it seems to be one of the worst
> Ubuntu versions in recent years.
> If the Ubuntu community is unable to effectively take responsiblity for their
> actions and do a serious soul-searching, then I fear (and hope) that people
> will flee out of Ubuntu like mice out of a sinking ship.
> At a time like this, I'm glad I stayed with Mandriva.
> Regards,
>        Shlomi Fish

Thanks for your input, Shlomi. I move to Ubuntu from Fedora on my
daily driver a little over a year ago. I find it to 'just work' with
all my laptop's hardware, including the card reader, wifi, bluetooth,
media buttons, x1400 graphics card and 1680x1050 monitor. The support
on the mailing lists is very good, though I will admit not on the same
professional level as on the Fedora (or Debian) lists.

Although I do prefer the philosophy and professionalism of Fedora, and
to a lesser extent Debian, I find that with Ubuntu I don't need to
babysit my software. I can install the OS in less than an hour and
that's it. No week of troubleshooting, no month of ironing out little
details, no living with little bugs for the life of the release.

I will look through the Ubuntu list for your hanging issue, and I'll
try to shed some light on the problem if I can.

Dotan Cohen


A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?

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