2008/6/8 Shlomi Fish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Ubuntu-Women is about promoting women in Ubuntu and FOSS in general - it's not
> for women exclusively.

It is for woman in general, and you are not a woman. Tell us, why are
you so stubborn about being a personality there?

> I don't have a problem with calling people "feminazis" or "nazis" or whatever.

But the people on Ubuntu-women do.

> I didn't dis LinuxChix too much, and I've talked with a few people who share
> my opinions of them. I said I fully supported the women liberation movement.
> I didn't mention "affirmative action" anywhere, just said that I hated
> government intervention in trying to promote women.

That is very off-topic for that mailing list. You were trolling.

>> Third, believe me, when you intruduce yourself as having a mental illness
>> (or philosophical mood, or whatever you call it)
> It is a mental illness. I said it's a Hypomania.

Just because you have an illness does not mean that your should
introduce yourself with "Hi, I have an illness". Actually, you
shouldn't. You should already know that much.

>> and "curly black hair
>> which expands radially" (?)
> I was describing myself.

I also thought that it sounds phallic. Women are even more sensitive
to that than we are, so if Nadav and me picked up on it, then image
what the women felt!

>> and as someone who "got banned from LinuxChix"
>> - this can be understood as just one of two things - either your are
>> creepy, or you're trying to appear creepy (i.e., a troll). Neither of these
>> things are welcome on any mailing list, not just this one.
> No, you're wrong.

He is right and he is trying to help you, as am I. Do you want to
argue, or do you want to learn where you erred?

>> Fourth, you storm into a mailing list thinking that you're its saviour,
>> and know how to solve all its problems. This thinking isn't welcome on any
>> mailing list, and certainly not when you're a man on a woman's mailing
>> list.
> I didn't do that - I just given my thoughts on how to best promote women in

You should have been very clear about that, and that only. If that was
truely your goal, then it should not have been buried in the rest of
the letter, which looked like trolling.

>> Fifth, you go into a mailing list with a specific technical goal, and
>> start talking about general issues like "Life vs. Death". That is bound
>> to annoy people.
> I tried to set the philosophical background.

Nobody wants that, Shlomi. That background was hardly even welcome in
ancient Athens, and less so today. They gave you the proverbial
hemlock, and rightly so.

>> If you had made just one of these mistakes, I am guessing you'd be
>> forgiven. But making them all at once???
> Again, you get an "F" in applied logic.
> But maybe you're right.

Good to see that you are learning. We are trying to assist because we
care, and not to attack you or make you defensive.

>> > No. the Ubuntu-women mailing list is meant to promote Women in Linux.
>> > It's not Regardless of that, my unsubscription and then the IRC ping-pong
>> > and "I won't take any responsibility" attitude and then closing the bug
>> > was not the proper way to deal with this. See for example:
>> Shlomi, isn't it obvious to you that the way that Ubuntu's mailing lists
>> and IRC channels are run have almost *NOTHING* to do with the quality of
>> the OS they produce?
> Maybe it doesn't. But I heard too many horror stories about Ubuntu Hardy.
> Open-source is all about community. As I said, Ubuntu is now:
> 1. Full of hubris and self-righteousness.
> 2. Hostlie to potential contributors.
> 3. Too fragmented, over-specialised and tries to stays on-topic.
> 4. No one takes responsiblity for any of their problems.
> 5. Has too much red-tape.
> 6. Over-hyped and has too much irrational zealtory.
> All of this spell doom for them.

That is quite off-topic for trying to promote women in FOSS. Stay on a
topic, or at least don't slide from controversial topic to
controversial topic. That is what trolls do.

>> If Microsoft Windows's forum had been very friendly, would you switch to
>> that OS instead?
> No, because the Mandriva community is healthy and I appreciate the freedom
> given in Mandriva. I may also consider FreeBSD, CentOS, Debian, MEPIS, etc.
> as appropriate, but certainly not Ubuntu. Until at least Ubuntu gets their
> cat together and improve.

Might I suggest that you simply abandon Ubuntu-bashing and continue to
promote those distros that you love? I am not offended, but you will
see that even in Fedora forums (the only ones of those that you
mention that I have experience with) that Ubuntu-bashing (and
MS-bashing) will only get you labeled as a troll.

Dotan Cohen


A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?

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