> as I said, best is a firewall, however  GBE capable pfsense HW starts at  
> 1000 NIS + need at least another 200 for an AP,

Late reply, but here goes:
You can repurpose (or add capability) to any existing x86/rpi system
in your home, you'll need a wifi USB dongle (if said system isn't
already wifi equipped).
Personally, I've run IPAM on a 1GB 1vCPU KVM guest with RAM to spare.
Debian detected low memory mode at ~512MB RAM and was able to run that
lean. Redhat.. not so much.

PFsense and such are nice, however <enter favorite distro here> and
iptables/firewalld would do just as well.

That system will be your LAN router, DNS, AP, and will act as an
IPv6to4 gateway for all LAN clients.

As far as the ISP modem is concerned, the only client it will know is
the system in discussion here.

This will be fine until you will need inbound access as well (ssh to
home, for example), then you'll have to worry about two forwarding
rule sets, rather than one.
Good luck :)
Guy Gold

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