Why not make it a ports/package then?

On Sat, Feb 9, 2013 at 9:25 PM, Crookedmaze <themazed...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 02/09/2013 06:53 PM, Juan Francisco Cantero Hurtado wrote:
>> On Sat, Feb 09, 2013 at 11:46:58AM -0600, Crookedmaze wrote:
>>> Hello Everyone!,
>>>      I am creating an OpenBSD Spin-off and have a question about what the
>>> rules are regarding doing something like this. I have looked at the
>>> OpenBSD copyright page and it looks like doing so would be alright
>>> but I would like to be sure that what I am doing is alright. I
>>> do not necessarily aim to create a new OpenBSD based operating system
>>> what I plan to do is to create my own spin-off off OpenBSD that comes
>>> configured to function as a server for a game called "Minecraft",
>>> and comes with things like OpenJDK (required to run Minecraft), but it
>>> will still be OpenBSD it will just have a slightly different default
>>> configuration. Would the people using my spin-off be allowed to use
>>> the OpenBSD package repositories to install packages and update them.
>>> What I am trying to do is setup an OpenBSD spin-off that is setup to be a
>>> secure Minecraft server, because right now many of the people who setup
>>> Minecraft servers in their home run their servers on their personal
>>> computers using Windows 7 or Vista and the server is usually running
>>> as the administrative user. So what I would like to do is distribute
>>> an OpenBSD Spin-off that is configured as a Minecraft server
>>> that these people who are not very skilled can use (It will be highly
>>> scripted and automated) and can run in Virtualbox or can be installed
>>> on a dedicated server, I know this won't be as secure as a managed
>>> server and I also know that security is a process not something you can
>>> download but my goal is to setup something that will hopefully be more
>>> secure than what most people are doing right now I am also doing this
>>> because hopefully if people were to start using my Spin-Off of OpenBSD
>>> then maybe more people will take an interest in OpenBSD.
>>> Please let me know if this would be an OK thing to do. Also
>>> feel free to comment on my idea and let me know what you think!
>>> P.S. This is the first time I have ever posted to the OpenBSD misc
>>> mailing list I have done my best to conform to the OpenBSD Mailing list
>>> Netiquette guidelines, but please let me know if I have
>>> done something incorrectly,
>>> Sincerely,
>>> Crookedmaze
>> The licenses of OpenBSD *base* allow you to distribute appliances but
>> you should check the licenses of each package included in your project.
>> Cheers.
>> Thanks for replying guys! Nicolai thank you for suggesting that I write
>> a shell script instead I think that is a great idea and I think that is
>> what I will do instead. Also Christopher now that I think about it I
>> think the daemon actually runs as a reduced user, I think earlier I was
>> thinking of the administrative user on Windows as the root user on BSD
>> in that all programs launched as that user run as admin but now that
>> I think about it I think in order to run a program as administrator
>> you need to right click and click run as administrator. Stefan I was
>> thinking about doing that but now I am leaning towards a shell script
>> that configures the server how it needs to be configured
>> (automatic updates chrooted sftp backup cronjobs etc.) I think this way
>> it will be a lot simpler and easier to transfer between using my OpenBSD
>> spin-off from release to release. Chris I have ended up deciding to
>> distribute my spin off as a shell script that you can run post OpenBSD
>> install so if you can install OpenBSD on a USB drive normally then
>> you should be able to. Juan thanks for letting me know that I can
>> redistribute*base*  that will be good to know in the future.
>> I would like to thank all of your for taking the time
>> to reply to my question.

"This officer's men seem to follow him merely out of idle curiosity."
-- Sandhurst officer cadet evaluation.
"Securing an environment of Windows platforms from abuse - external or
internal - is akin to trying to install sprinklers in a fireworks
factory where smoking on the job is permitted."  -- Gene Spafford
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