On 02/10/2013 06:47 PM, Rod Whitworth wrote:
On Sun, 10 Feb 2013 18:09:56 -0600, Maximo Pech wrote:

Well, installing openbsd is not what I'd call easy for people with few
technical skills.
Crap! It is well documented and very little data needs to be typed in
as most input can be done by accepting the default.

Why not make it a live system that boots from cd/dvd/USB/sd with everything
already configured and ready to run?
Live  CDs can be a PITA.. People have built them and they aon't setting
the world on fire.
You can make your own USB flash by following the instructions in the
FAQ (= same as install to the HD, just different HDD name.

Installing in under 5 minutes is possible on a real drive - USB sticks
are much slower.
If I am doing a quick test I sometimes install to a real HDD on USB.

Meanwhile go read the FAQ about installing and try it. Unless you are
an absolute dummy you should be able to absorb the instructions and do
the install.

If you can't handle that, then OpenBSD is probably not for you and,
given some of the horrors in some Linux Live-CDs, you may be best to
stick to windows or mac.

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This life is not the real thing.
It is not even in Beta.
If it was, then OpenBSD would already have a man page for it.

Thanks for the replies guys, I am not too worried about people being able to install OpenBSD the installer is quick and fairly painless in my opinion. I think I am going to stick to simply writing a script that people can run after installing


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