On 5/7/24 1:09 PM, Страхиња Радић wrote:
Дана 24/05/07 04:08PM, Martin Kjær Jørgensen написа:
I was wondering which programs you use for
replicating/copying/syncing environments/configs on your openbsd
systems with between your desktops (home or work) and laptops?
git(1), rsync(1).

git push and git pull.

I keep important dotfiles (.profile etc) in an own rep, and in there somewhere is a list of packages I want on {all,desktop,server}-type machines. In my scripts repo is a script that installs them based on an arg to say which kind of system it is. So:

new machine?

    pkg_add git

    git pull various repos

    make -C dotfiles install

    run "mystdpkgs" with -d for desktop, -s for server


    (I think I have another script that runs all these).

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