On 17 Nov 1999, Randal L. Schwartz wrote:

> Perl did not exist before O'Reilly.


How come it's OK for Randal L. Schwartz to rabbit on about camels
in this list when some poor guy in Russia gets flamed for asking
a perfectly sensible question that just happens to be more about
Perl than about Apache?

Keep to the subject, guys.

Ged Haywood.


Did anybody yet figure out what's wrong with

modules/src.t at lines 19, 20 and 27


modules/src.pm at lines 164 and 215?

I saw one other posting on this subject after mine (November 3)
but I've seen no replies.  To paraphrase Stas Bekman,

Come on, guys, let's not waste time in silly arguments, lets
get down to fixing some of this stuff!

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